
Photovoltaics - solar
systems and panels

Revolt. Live against the tide.

Photovoltaic systems and Revolt Energy panels

In the field of photovoltaic panels, we cooperate with renowned producers who are leaders with many years of experience in the PV industry. All photovoltaic panels we offer are verified at the production, transport and assembly stages, so that our customers get the highest quality product.

To meet the most demanding expectations, our wide range of solar panels includes panels of various sizes and power capacity. Our standard is the half cut technology, which, combined with the use of the highest quality monocrystalline silicon, allows  to optimise the operation of the modules and use every ray of the sun.

We invite you to become familiar with the new offer of solar panels, which will be selected individually for your investment by our advisors.

Panele fotowoltaiczne
Systemy fotowoltaiczne

Solar panels installed by us allow you
to use every ray of the sun!

30 years yield
Highest quality
monocrystalline silicon
Innovative Shingled
Minimum risk of hot
spot occurence
Excellent resistance
to PID
Capacity from
370 W to 450 W
Systemy fotowoltaiczne Revolt Energy
Assembly of a photovoltaic installation on the ground and on the roof. System fotowoltaiczny

Choose the best option for solar panels for yourself


Solar panels and inverter

Power: 450 W

Product warranty
20 years

Yield warranty
30 years

Implied warranty for assembly
3 years

Warranty for the assembly system
15 years

  • Mono 450 Wp HalfCut photovoltaic panel, Boviet brand (black frame)
  • Monocrystalline modules with a capacity of 450 Wp
  • "The Power of Sun" warranty
  • Total Warranty
  • On-line inspection
  • E-monitoring
  • Audit (up to 24 months)
  • 12m insurance policy
  • "Roofer" warranty
  • Complete roof (* with the roof purchased from Blachotrapez)
I choose

Solar panels and inverter

Power: 410 W
Panel fotowoltaiczny Premium

Product warranty
20 years

Yield warranty
30 years

Implied warranty for assembly
5 years

Warranty for the assembly system
15 years

  • Mono 410 Wp Shingled Full Black solar panel, Bluesun solar panel brand
  • Monocrystalline modules with a capacity of 410 Wp
  • "The Power of Sun" warranty
  • Total Warranty
  • On-line inspection
  • E-monitoring
  • Audit (up to 24 months)
  • 12m insurance policy
  • "Roofer" warranty
  • Complete roof (* with the roof purchased from Blachotrapez)
  • RE-cycling
I choose

Additional services for solar panels

Hybrid inverter
+ 12m insurance extension
+ 24m insurance extension
Power optimiser

Efficiency of solar panels

We cooperate only with the best producers in the field of photovoltaics, who use monocrystalline silicon to create their solutions. Thanks to this, you can count on the highest efficiency of photovoltaic panels, which  allow to produce the right amount of electricity and thus ensure savings and comfort in each facility. The yield of energy from photovoltaic panels depends entirely on your needs.

What's more, the use of modern materials and technologies allows to achieve high efficiency of solar panels in winter and ensures the long life span of the solutions. What does this mean in practice? The efficiency of solar panels after 10 years of use will be almost as high as at the beginning!

Fotowoltaiczne panele

Thanks to the investment in a solar installation for a single-family house, you will remain independent from rising electricity prices and, additionally, you will guarantee energy security for yourself.

Constantly growing electricity bills and increases in electricity prices burden the household budget. With your own photovoltaics you don't have to worry about it.

The climate in Poland is favourable for the use of solar energy. In the spring and summer period, your photovoltaic installation for a single-family house will generate excess energy that you will use during the period of decreased solar energy amount. By using the possibilities offered by various programs, the real cost of investing in photovoltaics for the home will not be high. In addition, you will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, you will have an impact on the air quality in your area.

Instalacja fotowoltaiczna

Profitability of solar panels

Is photovoltaics profitable? This is one of the questions we hear the most. The answer to it is very simple - yes. The profitability of solar panels is due to the fact that they provide access to free electricity over several dozen years. As a result, you do not have to worry about rising electricity prices. You will become completely independent and you will be able to produce it yourself. You can also be sure that the investment in photovoltaics will pay off after 5-8 years

Umów się na rozmowę - Kamil Glik
Umów się na rozmowę - Kamil Glik
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Gdzie najlepiej zamontować panele fotowoltaiczne – na gruncie czy na dachu? Nie ma jednej właściwej odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Obie lokalizacje mogą być optymalnym lub nawet jedynym możliwym rozwiązaniem w określonych warunkach.

Fotowoltaika jest już dobrze znaną technologią, która zyskała wielu zwolenników zarówno wśród tych którzy wykorzystują ją na co dzień, jak i tych którzy dopiero chcą w nią zainwestować. Jednak nadal mało osób dysponuje wiedzą, na temat tego jak instalacja fotowoltaiczna działa. O tym opowie ten artykuł.

2 grudnia 2021 roku ustawodawca ostatecznie przyjął nowelizację ustawy o odnawialnych źródłach energii. Oznacza to koniec obowiązywania dotychczasowego systemu opustów w Polsce, ale nie oznacza, wbrew czarnym prognozom, końca opłacalności fotowoltaiki.

Inwestorzy zyskują dzisiaj spore możliwości w zakresie pozyskiwania energii z odnawialnych, ekologicznych źródeł.

Pozyskiwanie energii bezpośrednio z promieniowania słonecznego jest coraz częstszą praktyką – zarówno wśród osób prywatnych, jak też firm czy instytucji.

Panele fotowoltaiczne stanowią dzisiaj jeden z najbardziej ekologicznych i najefektywniejszych sposobów na pozyskiwanie energii elektrycznej.

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