Pompy ciepła

Heat pumps for
photovoltaic installations

Revolt. Live against the tide.

Heat pumps are an ideal alternative to gas,
coal or pellet boilers.

Heat pump takes free energy contained in the air and uses it to heat or cool the building, or to prepare hot utility water. It is a cheap, ecological and reliable source of heat that can be used by everyone

Thanks to modern technology, Kaisai heat pumps operate in a very wide range of external temperatures and achieve high temperature parameters of the heating system or hot utility water. No emission of harmful substances to the environment, safety of use and maintenance-free operation make Kaisai heat pumps an ideal solution for anyone who builds a house, replaces or modernises the existing heat source. Kaisai heat pumps are used in single-family, multi-family and commercial buildings.

Pompy ciepła
Pompy ciepła Revolt Energy

Why is is worth installing a heat pump?

Bezpieczeństwo Twojej rodziny. Pompy ciepła, w odróżnieniu od tradycyjnych urządzeń grzewczych, nie stanowią zagrożenia pożarowego, ani nie niosą ze sobą ryzyka ulatniania się lub wybuchu gazu. Niższe rachunki za prąd. Pompy ciepła pozwalają nawet czterokrotnie obniżyć rachunki za ogrzewanie i ciepłą wodę. Komfort przez cały rok. Dzięki wbudowanej funkcji chłodzenia, pompa ciepła zapewnia komfort termiczny nawet w upalne dni. Przyjazne środowisku. Pompy ciepła są idealną alternatywą dla kotłów gazowych, węglowych czy peletowych, przyczyniając się do ograniczenia emisji CO2 do atmosfery. Urządzenia nie produkują dymu, popiołu, ani żadnych innych substancji szkodliwych dla środowiska.

Niskie koszty eksploatacji
Low operating costs

Heating costs can decrease
up to four times.

Ograniczenie emisji CO2
Reduction of CO2 emissions

Perfect alternative to gas,
coal or pellet boilers.

Bezpieczne użytkowanie
Safe use

Heat pumps are
a very safe solution.

Komfort przez cały rok
Comfort all year round

Provides thermal comfort
even in the greatest heat.

Cicha praca
Silent operation

Inverter compressors
in outdoor units.

Kompaktowa konstrukcja
Compact design

Compact design
minimising space.

Wysoka energooszczędność
High energy efficiency

Energy efficient
inverter compressor.

Bezpieczeństwo użytkowania
Safety of use

Special, explosion-proof
electronic circuits.

Wysoka elastyczność
High flexibility

The heat pump adjusts
the heating output.

Antykorozyjna powłoka lameli
Anti-corrosive coating of lamellas

Much greater durability
and corrosion resistance.

Ekologiczne źródło energii
Ecological energy source

Heat pumps are one of
he ecological energy sources.

Komfort użytkownika
User comfort

The device automatically
maintains thermal comfort.

Heat pumps - installation and financing

Together we give even more of ourselves! We are setting revolutionary standards in the photovoltaic and heat pumps industry

  • We provide the highest quality systems for homes, businesses and farms.
  • We act as an intermediary in obtaining the most attractive financing available on the market. With us, you can postpone a credit payment!
  • We carry out installation works up to 30 days, while in the "express installation" option this time is shortened to 14 days!
  • When ordering a heat pump and photovoltaic package, you will receive an additional discount.
Producent pomp ciepła

What is the power of our heat pumps?

In the field of heat pumps, we cooperate with renowned manufacturers who are leaders with many years of experience in the heat pump industry. All the heat pumps we offer are included in the Green Building Materials list of the Clean Air program.

To meet the most demanding expectations, our wide assortment  includes heat pumps with a power from 6 to 30 kW, which can also be cascaded together.

Our heat pumps now use the newest ecological R32 refrigerant, which has much better environmental impact factors. By choosing heat pumps from our offer, you take care of both the ecological and economic needs of your home.

Pompa ciepła dla domu

Choose revolutionary heat pumps

Optimum PC

heat pump
of Monoblok type

Power: from 8 to 12 kW
Pompa ciepła NETSU Uruz

Product warranty
7 years

Implied warranty for assembly
2 years

  • Hydraulic connections
  • Electrical connections
  • Installation of the heat pump
  • DHW tank
  • CO tank
  • Free delivery
  • Activation of the installation by an Authorised Service
I choose
Premium PC

heat pump
of Monoblok type

Power: from 6 to 19 kW

Product warranty
10 years

Implied warranty for assembly
2 years

  • Hydraulic connections
  • Electrical connections
  • Installation of the heat pump
  • DHW tank
  • CO tank
  • Free delivery
  • Activation of the installation by an Authorised Service
I choose

Additional services for heat pumps

Express installation
+ 12m insurance extension
+ 24m insurance extension
Insurance extension up to 5 years

Air-to-water heat pump - working principle

Air-to-water heat pump uses the energy in the air for heating or cooling. This is possible thanks to elements such as the compressor, condenser, expansion valve, evaporator and refrigerant.

How does an air-to-water heat pump work? The working medium is responsible for the absorption of heat from the outside, which then, under the influence of the compressor, changes its form to gas and moves to the condenser. There, it gives off heat to the installation and passes through the expansion valve, after which the whole cycle starts again. This mechanism is known, for example, from refrigerators.

The heat generated this way can be used both for heating and for preparing utility hot water. Functionality, durability and price of air-to-water heat pump make it a device found in Polish homes or companies more and more often.

Pompa ciepła powietrze woda
Umów się na rozmowę - Kamil Glik
Umów się na rozmowę - Kamil Glik
Żyj pod prąd z Revolt Energy!

Live against the tide with Revolt Energy!

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Sprawdź nasz blog

Takie dobrze przemyślane hybrydowe rozwiązanie obniży koszty pracy pompy ciepła do absolutnego minimum.

Pompa ciepła to urządzenie służące do ogrzewania domów bez konieczności wykorzystywania do tego celu paliw kopalnych. Zyskuje ono coraz większą popularność.

Rynek pomp ciepła rośnie równie dynamicznie, jak rynek instalacji fotowoltaicznych. Według danych z PORT PC, w ubiegłym roku cały rynek pomp ciepła był o ponad 50 proc. większy niż w 2019 r.

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